Carbon Dust Drawings


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These images are of some recent carbon dust drawings where I draw dust with dust.

Top Image:  “Carbon Dust Box”, 2012.  Carbon dust drawing of my box of carbon dust.

Middle Image, left:  “Dust”, 2012.  Carbon dust drawn replica of a charcoal rubbing I took off a Dust family tombstone in Bruno, Saskatchewan.

Middle Image, right:  “Joseph Dust”, 2012.  Another carbon dust drawn replica of a rubbing I took off a Dust family tombstone in Bruno - this tombstone was so eroded that the engraved name didn’t show up in the rubbing.

Bottom Image, left:  “Stardust Grains” 2012.  Carbon dust drawing of interstellar dust particles. 

Bottom Image, right:  “Comet Wild 2 Dust Impact Crater”, 2012. Based on the Stardust Mission (which I volunteer for) research images. 

The bottom four drawings were included in my exhibition As the Dusts Settle at Mercer Union in November, 2012.  I took the title for this show from a book of the same name that traces the Dust family history in Bruno, Saskatchewan.

More images from this exhibition can be seen here.